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Showing posts from February, 2021
A Magpie frequents the garden (one for sorrow, two for joy) alone he stalks the perimeter , harden by no rain (one for sorrow, two for joy) Wanting to catch your gaze and hold your eye (one for sorrow,two for joy) he who waits for no one now waits; for the light .... ... to die *one for sorrow * ~ SarahA O’Leary
‘ LOVE’S LOGIC’ Talk to me of love Talk love to me love words rolled around your tongue, conceived by your heart; birthed by your life source * written with Your blood * Speak to me; Love * so I may know how to be your breath's mirror * SarahA O’Leary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Love amour amor amore Liebe Milovat Morose liefde dragoste habun αγάπη kärlek любить 爱 愛