Showing posts from March, 2021
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/92375/echo-589363f95ef54 News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Show caption Books Raymond Antrobus: ‘Deafness is an experience, not a trauma’ The award-winning poet has written his first picture book, Can Bears Ski?, after being unable to find any children’s titles with a deaf protagonist Sian Cain @siancain Tue 23 Mar 2021 09.19 EDT Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email There’s a story that Raymond Antrobus often tells, from the time before his deafness was diagnosed when he was six: when his father read him a picture book, Antrobus would nestle into his father’s chest, and feel the story he could not hear through the vibrations of his body. The book was often his favourite, Happy Birthday Moon; both the memory and the book would, decades later, give him the name of a poem in his prize-winning debut The Perseverance . “I’d like to be the Moon, the bear, even the rain. / Dad makes the Moon say som...