Subscribe The Guardian - Back to home The Guardian: news website of the year News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Show caption Biography books Super-Infinite by Katherine Rundell review – a deft portrait of John Donne Rundell captures John Donne’s unique vision in all its power, eloquence and strangeness Lara Feigel Thu 28 Apr 2022 06.00 EDT Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email In 1611, John Donne composed a funeral elegy for 14-year-old Elizabeth Drury. It contained one of his most brilliant, unsettling lines: “One might almost say, her body thought.” Donne portrayed body and soul as radically, delightfully commingled. This is a poem that has long excited Donne commentators. John Carey, in his landmark 1981 Life, Mind and Art , was fascinated by Donne’s conviction that, as he wrote in a sermon, “all that the soul does, it does in, and with, and by the body”. Now the academic and children’s writer Katherine Rundell puts the poem centre stage in a b...