the international online cultural magazine CONTRIBUTORS’ BIOGRAPHIES HOME RSS London Grip Poetry Review – Donald Gardner October 14, 2022 Poetry review – NEW AND SELECTED POEMS, 1966 -2020 : Fred Johnston admires Donald Gardner ’s well-crafted poetic chronicling of his times New And Selected Poems, 1966 -2020 Donald Gardner Grey Suit Editions ISBN 978-1-903006-25-2 Pbck. 227pp. £14. 95 It is no insignificant thing to discover a poet whose work in turn delivers something back to you. Call it a polite shock of newness, even surprise. When I first came upon Donald Gardner’s work my wonder was that I hadn’t read him or, indeed, of him, much more and more often. The poetry world is pock-marked with instant poets, McPoets, if you will, who haven’t bothered doing old fashioned things like serving apprenticeships in magazines and journals but seem to have sprung full-formed from the foreheads of commercial publishers or the loins of creative...