Support us The Guardian - Back to home The Guardian: news website of the year News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Show caption Carol Rumens's poem of the week Poem of the week: Girlfriend, Poem 1 by Marina Tsvetaeva This daring love poem, written in Russia in 1914, relays its intense passion with sardonic resignation Carol Rumens Mon 23 Jan 2023 06.17 EST Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Poem 1 Are you happy? You never tell me. Maybe it’s better like this. You’ve kissed so many others – which makes for sadness. In you, I see the heroines of Shakespeare’s tragedies. You, unhappy lady, were never saved by anybody. You have grown tired of repeating the familiar words of love! An iron ring on a bloodless hand is more expressive, I love you – like a storm-burst overhead – I must confess it; all the more fiercely because you burn and bite, and most of all because our secret lives take very different paths: seduction and dark fate are your inspiration. To ...