Support us The Guardian - Back to home The Guardian: news website of the year News Opinion Sport Culture Lifestyle Show caption Books Anthony Anaxagorou wins Ondaatje prize for collection of postcolonial poetry The British-Cypriot poet took the £10,000 award with his third book of poems, which judges described as ‘pushing the confines of form and language’ Ella Creamer Wed 10 May 2023 20.30 BST Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email The poet Anthony Anaxagorou has won the £10,000 Ondaatje prize for a “beautiful” collection “that pushes the confines of form and language to locate a new aesthetic with which to address the legacies of colonisation”. The award, run annually by the Royal Society of Literature, recognises an outstanding work of fiction, nonfiction or poetry that evokes a sense of place. Anaxagorou was awarded the prize for Heritage Aesthetics, a poetry collection that looks at time and place in its exploration of British imperial history and pre...